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Gaffney, SC, United States

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Chasing remote Waterfalls and Spoonbills

What a way to start a "stay-cation". 

We have been thinking about logging the geocache "The Elegant Fury of Paradise" for about three years now.  We added it to out watch list, and kept it on the back burner.  A couple of weeks ago, Blue Ridge Outdoors magazine, listed this location as #1 on its list of most remote and most beautiful swimming holes in Western NC.  This past Saturday, we decided despite a two plus hr. drive, we were going to give it a go.

When we arrived at the trail head, we were greeted with this warning:

The trail started off with a deep descent, then almost leveled off.  Soon, we came to Wolf Creek which after removing our shoes, crossed without any issues.  The trail began again just on the other side of the creek, up a small hill.  Then came the descent down, about 200 ft.  relying on tree roots as foot holds, and braces.
Trail down to Paradise Falls
We began the trek down with a little trepidation, but soon found ourselves looking up at one of the most beautiful waterfalls I have ever encountered.  The Falls are in a very small slot canyon. The setting is almost tropical.
  We met a really nice couple while there, and they invited us to join the hiking club they belonged too.  After enjoying the falls and taking some photos, we finished the task at hand, finding the geocache.  This is easily one of our favorite geocache locations, and it reminds us of why we love geocaching.
Paradise Falls

The geocache logbook
Soon after logging this geocache, we found ourselves in Brevard NC at one of our favorite watering holes, The Hub and Pisgah Tavern.  While having a drink on the back dock, South Carolina State Parks posted on Facebook that Roseate Spoonbills had arrived at Huntington Beach State Park....we both knew come first light, we would be heading for the SC coast.
Huntington Beach was reporting only five known Roseate Spoonbills were on the property, and we knew our chances were of seeing one of them on the park's 2000 plus acres was slim.  We decided to take our chances and go for it.  As my favorite songwriter, Springsteen says...Faith will be rewarded.

We arrived at the state park in heavy rain, but it soon gave way to some sun.  We walked and quickly found the Spoonbills, along with more Wood storks than I have ever seen. 
I have read that this park is one of the best for birding in the state, with over 400 species documented.
I believe it.

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