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Gaffney, SC, United States

Sunday, September 22, 2013

Beach Sweep / River Sweep 2013

This year marks the 25th anniversary of Beach Sweep / River Sweep!
Beach Sweep/River Sweep is South Carolina's largest one-day volunteer cleanup event of its kind. Every 3rd Saturday in September, from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m., thousands of South Carolinians clear beaches, rivers, lakes, marshes, and swamps of aquatic debris. The cleanup, organized by the S.C. Sea Grant Consortium and S.C. Department of Natural Resources, has taken place annually since 1988 - when Sea Grant first started it. The Sweep takes place in conjunction with the International Coastal Cleanup, coordinated by the Ocean Conservancy. Once the Sweep is over, the Ocean Conservancy tallies all of the debris data. This data helps us learn the sources of litter so we can stop pollution before it starts.  (taken from BSRS main page)

New kiosk

We have participated in the annual Beach Sweep / River sweep six of the last nine years.   It was a last minute decision to participate this year,  because our schedule is so full for the next two months.  Normally we sponsor a group event either with our geocaching club, or the local High School "Green Teens" organization.  This year, it was just Lisa and I, and the area picked up was a much smaller scale.  Normally, the location is Lake Cherokee, however, this year we cleaned Lake Thicketty's main boat landing, because it is much closer to home, and time mattered this go around. Later when time allows, we are going to make a more concentrated effort at the old ramp.
  We kayak here, and so do some friends, and each time there, everyone makes a point out of picking up some of the litter.   That said, it still gets to me how nasty people are, and how most are oblivious to a impact they have on the things around them.   I cannot tell you how much fishing line we cleared out of the water, grass, and low shrubs.  Birds, waterfowl, fish, and get tangled in this stuff so often, and it is so sad.

One of MANY fishing line piles removed
But I think the worst part, is the fact that parents who litter, have children who litter.   We can do better folks!
Candy jar found by the water beside three plastic juice containers.

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