Sandstone Ridge is a cache that has haunted us for almost a year. Our first attempt at this was on December 28th 2006. Halfway up the trail, it disappeared! There were deadfall trees, from earlier storms and also charred remains of trees from a recent burn. All we could see was a huge pile of timber. To top things off, while taking a short break on the ridgeline, guess what else we saw....yep bear pooh!
The GPS was jumpy, and foolishly we had not marked any points on our way up. So after sitting on the ridgeline for a while, enjoying the view, we decided to try it at a later date.
We'll December 26th 2007 was the later date.
This time, well "armed" and more in tune with the operation of a GPS, we headed out again. Same story at the top, A PICTUREBOOK VIEW and alas, the mountain of rubble on top of the mountain. But we pressed on, over the timber, over thr rocks, through the new growth and finally past this mess. We noticed once we got through this and could see more of the area, it looks like the joining ridgeline is about to be logged, too bad!
We were rewarded for our effort with more spectactular views and the cache. The hike and the view is what this cache is about. This cache is rarely visited and the contents do not do this cache justice. We added a few items and left a travelbug hoping it may motivate some more cachers to come up and log it.
This was one of our favorite caches and most enjoyable hikes. Although this is nowhere near the longest hike, or the hardest cache we have ever done, it gave us a big sense of accomplishment.
Did I mention Tennessee Rocks?
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