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Gaffney, SC, United States

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Absolutley not!

Waste Management is wanting to build a 1,550 acre landfill in the McKowns Mtn. area of Cherokee County. The proposed landfill would accept garbage from a 75 mile radius of the county.

Former Lt. Governor, and Gaffney native Bob Peeler (now working as Waste Management's point man on this), is trying to sell this idea to Cherokee County residents with a massive ad campaign. WM is buying large adds in the local papers as well as billboard space along I-85.

3 cycle is what the proposed landfill is known as, would be a recycling facility. WM proposes along with re-location assistance to affected residents, a "buffer" zone, and wildlife refuge area to help the facility blend in with its surroundings. It is estimated if built, the increased traffic in the area would be about 300 trucks in and out a day.

Well that dog ain't gonna hunt!

The McKowns Mtn area of Cherokee County is one of the most remote and untouched areas of this community. It has abundant beauty, and is rich with wildlife. It also has a very strong sense of community. Good country folks with a strong sense of community.

WM is stating it will be a model corporate citizen. Bringing a strong tax revenue to the County as well as jobs. Around forty jobs is what was stated

The Palmetto Landfill in Spartanburg Co., (also run by WM) is nearing the end of its useful life.

When it closes, those folks will probably be relocated to the proposed new facility. That would cut the open job count quite a bit.

I want jobs and a larger tax base for our County as well. It is needed here so badly, with unemployment in this county at around 6 to 7 %, people are hurting.

But at what cost to our community. Should we allow our county to be raped in the name of an almighty dollar? I for one of many, think not.

I have contacted my county council member and voiced my opposition loudly.

You see, it is law here that a landfill cannot be built without the approval of our county council. It is my worry however, with Mr. Peeler's strong network of friends and supporters on council as well as business leaders in the community, that the citizens of Cherokee County and more so the citizens of the McKowns Mtn community are the underdog in this fight. It is my hope that the good ol' boy system of politics in this community does not forsake its citizens again as it has so many times in the past.

There is now a local group of citizens that have joined together in there fight against this.

The group is called C.L.O.U.T. / Cherokee Landfill Opposition United.

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