
My photo
Gaffney, SC, United States

Monday, November 10, 2008

Deer season.....

We sure have had our share of deer encounters this weekend. While out and about Sunday morning, we had eight deer cross in front of our car, luckily I was not driving as fast as I normally do, and we got to enjoy the sight from a short distance away instead of up close and personal. Also, later in the day, we had stopped at a put in on the Lawson's Fork Creek we had never seen before. In the tranquility and beauty we were surrounded by, we failed to notice a deer carcass lying in the water in front of us. We both happened to spot this at the same time, and it scared the hell out of us. Later disscusion proved we both initially thought we were seeing the back of a human. It was not thank God. Apparently a hunter decided all he needed from this beautiful animal was its antlers and discarded the rest. I am not against hunting by any stretch of the imagination, but I do believe, the kill should be used for food. Numerous deer processors in the area are a part of Hunters for the Hungry, and will process a unwanted deer and donate the meat to homeless shelters and food banks.

Here is a shot of a buck rub near a geocache that we logged Sunday

And here is the surprise that Sassy, our outside dog, had waiting for us in the yard this morning. I know, I could have did without posting this shot...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Now I wonder how that happen?