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Gaffney, SC, United States

Sunday, November 30, 2008

It is not wanted...

As I have noted in a previous post. Waste Management is wanting to build a landfill/ recycle center in Cherokee County in the Mckowns Mtn. community. There is a lot of opposition to it, and for good reason. This is one of the most beautiful areas of our county. Wildlife is abundant. Abington Creek originates on the property the site is proposed for, and Abington feeds into the nearby Broad River. The "hill" at the landfill is projected to be about 200ft high. That is taller than Gaffney's famous Peach Watertower. I have contacted my county council member and voiced my opposition, as have many, many others to their respective elected officials. However, I am under the impression its pretty much a done deal. The County wants and needs the tax base. I feel the vast majority of Cherokeans are against this and our wishes should be represented by our council. But most importantly, the wishes of the folks that will live nearest to it need to be heard. We were in the area yesterday, and I would say 97% of the yards had signs posted in opposition to this. These are the voices that matter, and these are the folks that are most effected. I wish the wildlife could speak as well, as I am sure they do not care to live by a trashpile either.

1 comment:

Amy said...

Way to go County Council for not allowing this thing to come into the community! I was pleasantly surprised at the result of the meeting last night.