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Gaffney, SC, United States

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Ghost Bird

I had recently read a article on a new documentary on the Ivory Billed Woodpecker. The name of the film is Ghost Bird. I ordered the DVD, and was able to finally sit down and watch it Sunday night. It is a very good film, both sad and informative, and yes even funny at times. Its storyline is around the supposed sighting of the extinct bird, and the hype that ensued. It stresses the importance of habitat, and how the loss of it has resulted in the birds extinction. It also notes some other now extinct birds. A great little film.
Here is a link: Ghost Bird


Mike said...

Yep, it is a very good film. I highly recommend it to anyone who has even a passing interest in the topic.

Amy said...

I would love to see that. When I took ornithology in high school, the ivory-billed woodpecker was our holy grail.