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Gaffney, SC, United States

Saturday, November 9, 2013

Going Caching 2013 / The A.C.E. Challenge

The A.C.E Journal and our geocoin.
 We recently spent a long weekend in Ga. at the Going Caching Mega Event.  In order to be listed as a mega event with, you must have over 500 attendees.  This is the 4th mega we have attended, and it was only topped by the Hatfield and McCoy mega event.   Going caching is hosted by the Georgia Geocachers Association, and man they know how to put on an event. 
 We camped at FDR State Park, the events home base, and I tell ya, this is one of the most beautiful Parks we have visited.  The park has around 9,000 acres.  It is named after President Franklin D. Roosevelt.  The President, loved to visit the area for the warm springs, that are said to heal many of illnesses.                         
Dowdell's Knob, one of FDR's favorite picnic spots.
The structure you see is his grill incased in brick.

 Many familiar faces were in attendance for the event, with geocaching friends from all over South and North present.  This mega event, had kind of a Indiana Jones them to it, and relics and artifacts were hidden all around.  Our main focus was the A.C.E Challenge.  which was a series of 6 geocaches you had to find, and get clues at each location in order to find the bonus 7th cache and received a limited addition geocoin.
Challenge complete, now to get our coins.

  The caches varied in D/T rating, and some were quite the challenge.  We successfully completed the challenge and received our coin. This was so much fun, and we enjoyed all the adventures along the way.
The one "relic" we recovered along our journey, Lisa was so happy to find this.
This is a Scarab.
Taking a break from the hunt..

We searched by land and by water.  We had so much fun, we are already looking forward to the event next year.

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